School Uniform
We have adopted a colour scheme for our School uniform and all children are to wear the School colours. These consist of navy blue jumpers or cardigans; grey trousers, skirts and pinafores, worn with a white polo shirt or blouse. The same colour scheme is also used for items of summer clothing (blue checked dresses or grey tailored shorts).
Appropriate footwear also needs to be worn (black school shoes) with no trainers allowed.
School sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and PE shirts can be ordered on-line at . All items of clothing ordered from One Identity have the School logo on and can be personalised with your child's initials if you wish. Uniform does not have to be purchased through One Identity and all our uniform items (without the School badge) are available in a range of local shops and supermarkets. We also have a range of other optional clothing and accessories (including book bags for reading and homework) which are available on the site.
We feel that wearing jewellery during School is not appropriate and therefore do not allow any type of jewellery (with the exception of watches) to be worn. Hair colour should also be natural with no excessive hair accessories.
We have a School PE kit which is a plain navy blue t-shirt (School logo optional) and plain navy shorts/tracksuit pants.
The T-shirt, "Cool T-shirt" (breathable fabric) and a hoodie are available from One Identity. You can have the School logo in your child's team colour if you wish (please ask Mrs Little if you are unsure).
Any uniform orders will need to be completed online at You will need to register as a new customer then once you have received a confirmation e-mail, you will be able to sign on to the site. Any problems please ring 01229 823584.
Last day for ordering uniforms before we break up for summer will be shared in the school newsletter.