Frizington Community Primary School

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Frizington Community Primary School

People Matter

Home Learning


Should you not be able to come to School for any reason, here are some links to learning games, activities and websites to support you in continuing with your learning at home.  There will also be specific activities set for you to complete on Seesaw. 

First a message FOR PARENTS supporting children at home. 

What is PHONICS?

Click on this link to watch a brief video clip on what Phonics is and how you as parents can support your child at home.

Ruth Miskin from Read Write Inc 


How do I say the sounds correctly?  click here to listen to the sounds being spoken. 



You can't beat a good story time!  Snuggle up on the sofa, or make a den and share a story together! 

Support Mathematical development.


Chant numbers 0-10, 0-20, what about 10-0 or 20 to 0... 

count anything and everything!  being able to count carefully, one object and saying one number at a time is KEY!

Pick a number between 0 and 10.  Make collections of that number.  eg. 6 - collect 6 eggs, 6 toy cars, 6 Lego bricks, 6 teddies etc etc 


Sing number songs: 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive! 5 little speckled frogs, 5 current buns, 10 green bottles sitting on a wall, 

Pick a number from 0-10 and go on a number hunt around your house. How many number 6's can you find? 

Set up a role play shop or cafe or office and use numbers to pay for items, make the correct number of cookies, press the write numbers on the telephone to make a pretend office call! 

Number jigsaws

In Reception, we use White Rose Maths to develop our Mathematical learning. In addition to this, we use CBeebies Numberblocks episodes to support our math journey. Click on the picture below to be taken to BBC Iplayer and watch Numberblocks.

The link here - will also take you to the White Rose Maths website where you will find resources and the schemes of learning for the year in Reception. 
