Our Governing Body
A message from our Chair, Rebecca Crellin
School governors are regularly described as ‘critical friends’ to the school, which is a helpful phrase in understanding what they do.
They respond to any recommendations that arise from the inspection regime and ensure that they are put in place. They also come into school to see what is going on in the classrooms, taking responsibility to monitor areas of the curriculum such as English, Maths and Science, working with staff to ensure that children realize their full potential. They are also responsible for ensuring that the school is well led, well maintained and kept within budget, therefore they scrutinize the performance of the management team. the upkeep of the building and also the school’s financial position.
The governing body has a varied membership, Education Authority appointments, local community representatives, a limited number of staff members, but the great majority of members are parents. Parent governors are there to represent all of the parents who are involved with the school, but
Parent governors bring a real vitality to the governing body, keeping it responsive and dynamic. Being a governor is a demanding but hugely rewarding job and they do it because they care about the well-being and the future of the children who come
Further Information:
Minutes and financial information from our Governing Body meetings are available upon request from the School office.